
Joel Gardner and his passion for music and how he writes the heartwarming melodies

Since last week the song Warmth by Joel Gardner is out on YouTube and on 18th December Warmth will be released on Spotify as part of the Clouds Lined With Silver EP.

The video fascinates by the great and sympathetic actors, who transport the content of the song excellently. 

The first line of the chorus is:
'It’s just warmth here that I’ve been saving up and I was hoping that would be enough for you‘

Joel explains what the song is about!
Quote: “To me Warmth is a metaphor for being nice. It’s a tune centred around insecurity, self consciousness and vulnerability. It’s all romanticised and made into a ballad of course. But to me that’s where the heart of the song is and why it holds such a special place for me.“

Joel Gardner knows perfectly how to envelope his message with catchy chords, skilful fingerpicking and a heartwarming melody.

Gardner is an independent English singer-songwriter who finds his inspiration for his music in various fields. Musicians like Paul Simon, Ben Howard and Andy Mckee have fascinated him since his earliest youth. He started playing guitar 15 years ago and has perfected it until today.

Skilful picking, rhythm and hammer-on technique he combines to a rousing groove that simply puts you in a good mood.

In his spare time Joel loves to travel around Scotland and to the British West Coast. 
There in the nature he finds inspiration and fills up energy for his excessive songwriting.

He’s an absolute thoroughbred musician, the writing of songs means everything to him, because for him music is as much a part of life as the air to breathe.

This year he has written countless great songs waiting to be released.But now enjoy this brilliant and first-class song Warmth

The song is available as always on all your favorite streaming services.

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